Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Sometimes i feel as though i am having some sort of hallucination
my palms get sweaty and my heart starts racing
when you hear the word hallucination, you automatically think, drugs
but not in my situation
see these hallucinations come with a sober mind
for example, there was this one time when i got a hundred on my test
i was so excited
i studied all night i was so stressed
then out of the cornor of my ear
a womens voice i hear
"you have the wrong paper my dear"
so i switched papers with him , his sliver of the tree
to find out i did even better then he did
a big ol 70
Hallucinations? possibly happening constintly
or maybe like that other time
when you said that you loved me
your speech hit me with such hospitality
see my hallucinations consist of me hearing what i want to hear
and seeing what i want to see
these glitchs in my mind keep me from grasping the conecpt of reality
the lies i repeal, i guess its a defense mechanism
to keep my head out of this cell, its kinda like somesort of mental communism
my head boxed in like a prison
but i cant help it
when im locked up its horrible
her face creeps in my mind, so lively and loveable
making me even in my own skin too uncomfortable
this box in my mind rips and tears
she dosnt help, she refuses to stop calling
telling me she loves me and cares?
fuck that, it cant be
im breaking out of this cell for good
ill finally be free
i have been living here for years, these walls used to make me happy
not anymore though, it's all to similar to hell
im escaping, her grip held me tight
but i finally slipped and fell
fell far,far on to my feet
one day you might find yourself in my situation
and wished you listned to the words that i speak
cause its not really a hallucinogenic battle
its only self defeat.

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